

rozalinda conducted a presentation and a performance workshop on saturday, from 3PM to 7:30 PM. 23 of those who came to the presentation stayed for the workshop, which we think is a huge success. the workshop was developed around a series of instructions involving impossible tasks, which participants were given 60 seconds to attempt. there was no talking, no consulting, no time to think, plan, to decide and only then to act. decisions were made as we engaged with our tasks, and not before.

in successive attempts, participants initially worked alone and then permutated around the space in groups of three. the workshop discussion revolved around the ways in which decisions were spontaneously made between three participants, the complexities of performance interactions in groups of three. participants reported on the ways in which they negotiated their space, their participation in the groups, and their developing interpretations of the initial task.

our discussions also got very political. we discussed living in the US, censorship and repression under the Bush regime, the Patriot Act, Romania’s experience with the Ceausescu regime and possible similarities to present-day US politics, the compared the ways in which the concept of the “foreigner” is constructed in American and Romanian culture, language and Immigration Statutes.

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