Letters from Gaza – testimonies

forwarded by Sama Alshaibi

Palestinian Center for Human Rights (17 July 2006)


Dr. Fawwaz Abu Sitta, 53
Economics Professor at al-Azhar University

I am a professor of economics at al-Azhar University. I live with my wife, Anika Fagner, a German citizen, and my son, 18-year-old Suleiman, in a 3-story villa. We live on the second floor of the building. My brother Nawaf, an engineer, lives with his wife and his two daughters, 13-year-old Nouran and 7-year-old Dana, on the third floor. Fortunately, my mother, 82, is in Cairo visiting her daughter. (more…)

Letters from Rasha, Lebanon

forwarded by Greg Sholette

Dear All,

I am drafting this entry in this unusual diary at 11:30 pm, I have about half an hour before the generator shuts down. Most of Beirut is in the dark. I dare not imagine what the country is like. Today was a relatively calm day, but like most calm days that come immediately after tumultuous days, it was a sinister day of taking stock of damage, pulling bodies from under destroyed buildings, shuttling injured to hospitals that have the capacity to tend to their wounds more adequately. (more…)

new additions to the blog

6Plus is a collective of artists living in the US who have been trying to develop projects in Palestine in collaboration with 7 Palestinian women artists. Two exhibitions are scheduled for September at the International Center in Bethlehem, and December at the Sakakini in Ramallah. The December exhibit is also intended as the conclusion of a collaboration with a group of young women from a refugee camp close to Bethlehem. (more…)