A Meeting is a Question Between

BLW is participating in the Pathogeographies exhibition at the University of Illinois at Chicago Gallery:
– a respeaking performance on Saturday , June 30 at 2PM
– a series of interventions in public space over the next week
– we conclude with a final presentation on July 7th.

“A Meeting is a Question Between”
BLW invite you to five public meetings in Millenium Park, Chicago, to investigate this site as a theater of (pre-emptive) warfare. We will use different forms of research, including theoretical discussion, re-enactment and body work to reflect upon and intervene into the site.

“I looked in the water of the monument fountain and I saw green.,.”

July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – at noon sharp
Meet in front of the Exelon Visitors Information Center in Millennium Park and depart from there.
What if?
If you arrive late, please SMS (813)789-0122 and we will reply with our exact location

BLW is: Rozalinda Borcila, Sarah Lewison, Julie Wyman


Public Hearing
Saturday March 10, 2007
3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Institute of Contemporary Art – 118 South 36th Street in Philadelphia, PA.

The Coalition of Inquiry into the State of the Future (herein referred to as “The Coalition”) alleges that
language used in certain documents of public and journalistic record, and written with the
intention of informing a general public as to the nature of certain subjects (below), bears a spurious
and suspicious relationship to the truth.

The Coalition further alleges such language has the potential of causing harm through false
representation, through the perpetration of an illusion of participatory democracy, and through other
forms of harm to be assessed. The subjects allegedly misrepresented by said language include but are not
restricted to the following:

I) The nature and demographics of the city of Philadelphia

II) The transparent and participatory nature of certain institutions and current and future initiatives associated with the city of Philadelphia

III) The condition for artists and cultural workers in the city of Philadelphia.

IV) The condition and status of working people and/or residents of the city of Philadelphia.

V) The nature of democracy and democratic process


What is a collective body: exercises for labor day

The Center for Getting Ugly invites you to participate in a skill-sharing workshop in calisthenics for collaboration. This is an invitation to share your experiences and ideas with others rather than an organized presentation.

Sunday September 3, 2006
6-8 pm workshop, followed by dinner (under $7.)
Studio 27
689 Bryant Street (ring bell) between 4th and 5th
between Leavenworth and Hyde
RSVP: limited to 12. Please RSVP to sarah lewison at sacamixta@gmail.com or call: 610-220-8634
Cost: Free (a small donation to the space is gratefully accepted)

Invitation – Ephem Business Directory Walk

Another Tampa walk
This Ephemeral Business Directory walk is on Wednesday April 19th at 7pm leaving from The Park on Sligh and 12th st. (2 blocks west of Nebraska) There is a pre-walk scouting expedition, on Saturday afternoon 1pm-3pm*
*For more information email c.thing@gmail.com – chelsea goodwin (more…)

Invitation: Walk To the Beach

Kara Holland invites participants on a walk from the Westshore Palms neighborhood to the beach located directly west, less than 1 mile away. (more…)

Open House + Not-Walk

You are invited to the Center for Getting Ugly Open House this Friday, hosted on April 7th, 8-11 PM at the USF School of Art and Art History in Tampa. Please look for the following activities:

1. “Can’t We All Just Get Along? Counter-Cartographies of Playing Nice” . Invited or self-appointed Special Fellows have been researching the production of compliance in various concrete situations, with particular emphasis on the urban landscape. (more…)

“Continental Drift” seminar at 16 Beaver

**** This message is from 16 Beaver****

Continental Drift Seminar with Brian Holmes
Part I — Sept, (12) and (15-18)
Part II — Oct (20-24).


0. Invite
1. Dates
2. About Seminar Format and Schedule
3. How to Enroll? + Funding
4. Continental Drift – An Overview
5. About Brian Holmes
6. Specifics
