What is a collective body: exercises for labor day

The Center for Getting Ugly invites you to participate in a skill-sharing workshop in calisthenics for collaboration. This is an invitation to share your experiences and ideas with others rather than an organized presentation.

Sunday September 3, 2006
6-8 pm workshop, followed by dinner (under $7.)
Studio 27
689 Bryant Street (ring bell) between 4th and 5th
between Leavenworth and Hyde
RSVP: limited to 12. Please RSVP to sarah lewison at sacamixta@gmail.com or call: 610-220-8634
Cost: Free (a small donation to the space is gratefully accepted)

Workshop format:

Presentations by participants will include exercises from the martial arts, theater games, physical sculpture, and about organizing form as expressed through physical movement.

Come and have fun with us.

This is a stumbling practice in movement for amateurs:
those who do visual art
who think too much
who work on computers
who hike alone
who do architecture and urban planning
who work alone and with others
We invite all practitioners to elaborate and test out methods for increasing collective radical capability through experience in movement.
Where are the peripheries of our individual bodies and how hard are the edges of our collectivity?
What fills the marginal spaces between us?
How much does cultural individualism inhibit our cooperative ability?
How might we use exercises in actual physical, bodily movement to increase our capacity for understanding collectivity and reducing subjectification?

Some practioners whose methods we might explore:

Paul Ryan (Threeing and Raindance)
Anna Halprin (ritual and relations)
Augusto Boal (forum theater)
Additionally—???—- from what you can share

Some of the theoretical, aesthetic and formal structures that force or permit bodies to organize in new ways:

Bioregionalism/ zones of ecological interdependency
Walking practices and traditions, games and derives
Group & solitary investigation of the urban fabric (psychogeographic research)
Dinners, picnics, protests and parades
Conferences, camps, retreats, ghettos

Some Readings and Histories in the field

The Earthscore Notational System for Orchestrating Perceptual Consensus about the Natural World http://www.earthscore.org/background/writings.html Threeing by Paul Ryan & Raindance: a 3 person solution to relational confusion at www.earthscore.org/Curriculae/threeing_curriculum.html

Bioregionalism summary North American Bioregional Congress: http://www.context.org/ICLIB/IC03/Haenke.htm

Augusto Boal: Forum Theater and Legislative Theater http://www.cardboardcitizens.org.uk/theatre_of_the_oppressed.php http://www.brechtforum.org/IPE/boal.htm

Anna Halprin http://www.humaniteinenglish.com/article174.html

see also

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